Boiler Room Ben Affleck Speech

Ben Affleck’s ‘Boiler Room’ Speech

An awesome speech by the head of an investment bank / broking firm in the movie “Boiler Room”. One of the best I’ve ever heard.


>>Ben Affleck in Boiler Room – Speech – Video

Top 10 Most Memorable “Boiler Room” Quotes December 31, 2017 Ryan Movies Comments Off on Top 10 Most Memorable “Boiler Room” Quotes “Boiler Room” is an engaging movie about a college dropout that gets a job as a broker for a suburban investment firm.

Text Transcript

Okay. Here’s the deal.

I’m not here to waste your time. I hope you’re not here to waste mine.

  1. Ben Affleck’s ‘Boiler Room’ Speech Ben Affleck’s ‘Boiler Room’ Speech An awesome speech by the head of an investment bank / broking firm in the movie “Boiler Room”. One of the best I’ve ever heard.
  2. Boiler Room is a 2000 American crime drama film written and directed by Ben Younger and starring Giovanni Ribisi, Vin Diesel, Nia Long, Ben Affleck, Nicky Katt, Scott Caan, Tom Everett Scott, Ron Rifkin, and Jamie Kennedy.The film was conceived when screenwriter Ben Younger interviewed for a job at brokerage firm Sterling Foster. Younger said, 'I walked in and immediately realized, 'This is my.

So I’m gonna keep this short.

If you become an employee of this firm, you will make your first million within three years.

Okay? I repeat that:


You will make a million dollars within three years of your first day of employment
at J.T. Marlin.

There is no question whether or not you’ll become a millionaire here.

The only question is how many times over.

You think I’m joking?
I am not joking.

I am a millionaire. It’s a weird thing to hear, right?

I’ll tell ya. It’s a weird thing to say.

I am a fucking millionaire.

And guess how old I am. Twenty-seven.

You know what that makes me here?
A fuckin’ senior citizen.

This firm is entirely comprised of people your age, not mine.

Lucky for me, I’m very fucking good at my job, or I’d be out of one.

You guys are the new blood. You’re gonna go home with the kessef.

You are the future big swinging dicks of this firm.

Now, you all look money hungry, and that’s good.

Boiler Room Ben Affleck Speech

Anybody tells you money is the root of all evil doesn’t fuckin’ have any.

They say money can’t buy happiness? Look at the fuckin’ smile on my face.

Ear to ear, baby. You want details? Fine.

I drive a Ferrari 355 Cabriolet.

What’s up? I have a ridiculous house in the South Fork.

I have every toy you could imagine, and best of all, kids…

I am liquid.

So, now you know what’s possible. Let me tell you what’s required.

You are required to work your fucking ass off at this firm.

We want winners here, not pikers. A piker walks at the bell.

A piker asks how much vacation you get in the first year. Vacation?

People come and work at this firm for one reason: to become filthy rich.

We’re not here to make friends. We’re not savin’ the manatees, guys.

You want vacation time?
Go teach third grade, public school.

Young Ben Affleck

Okay. The first three months at the firm are as a trainee.

You make $150 a week.

After you’re done training, you take the Series Seven.

Boiler room scene

The Boiler Room Youtube

Pass that, you become junior broker and you open accounts for your team leader.

You open 40 accounts, you start workin’ for yourself. Sky’s the limit.

Boiler Room Movie Ben Affleck Speech

Word about being a trainee.

Friends, parents, other brokers, they’re gonna give you shit.

It’s true. $150 a week? Not a lot of money.

Pay them no mind.

You need to learn this business, and this is the time to do it.

Once you pass the test, none of that’s gonna matter.

Your friends are shit.

Ben Affleck Boiler Room Speech Transcript

Tell them you made 25 grand last month, they won’t fucking believe you.

Fuck them! Fuck ’em!

Parents don’t like the life you lead?
“Fuck you, Mom and Dad.”

See how it feels when you’re makin’ their fuckin’ Lexus payments.

Now, go home and think about it.
Think about whether it’s really for you.

If you decide it isn’t… It’s nothing to be embarrassed about.

It’s not for everyone.

But if you really want this…

you call me on Monday and we’ll talk.

Just don’t waste my fuckin’ time.

Okay. That’s it.

Here’s another awesome speech by Alec Baldwin in Glengarry Glen Ross

Title Boiler Room
Year 2000
Director Ben Younger
Genre Drama, Crime, Thriller
Interpreted by

Boiler Room Movie Ben Affleck Speech

Plot – In the J.T. Marlin 'Boiler Room', a brokerage firm, guys turn into millionaires in a short time. Young speculators are trained to sell actions by phone to have in return villas and many luxury things. However the pursue of wealthy sometimes goes beyond the law. Seth Davis is 19 and has just abandoned his college to enter the Boiler Room group. He wants to earn only two things in life: one million dollars and the respect of his father, who's always disappointed by him.
All actors – Giovanni Ribisi, Vin Diesel, Nia Long, Nicky Katt, Scott Caan, Ron Rifkin, Jamie Kennedy, Taylor Nichols, Bill Sage, Tom Everett Scott, Ben Affleck, John Griesemer

The Boiler Room Ben Affleck Speech

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Ben Affleck Sales Speech

  • “Anybody who tells you money is the root of all evil doesn't fucking have any.”
    Ben Affleck - Jim Young
  • I ran casino. I've got to figure what I'm going to do next because I'm not a lottery winner. I tried 'slinging crack rock' and I never had a jump shot, I've got to find a job.
    Giovanni Ribisi - Seth Davis
  • “What do you mean, you're gonna pass. Alan, the only people making money passing are NFL quarterbacks and I don't see a number on your back.”Giovanni Ribisi - Seth Davis
  • “They say money can't buy happiness? Look at the fucking smile on my face. Ear to ear, baby.”
    Ben Affleck - Jim Young
  • “There is no such thing as a no sale call. A sale is made on every call you make. Either you sell the client some stock or he sells you a reason he can't. Either way a sale is made.”
    Ben Affleck - Jim Young
  • “- Greg Weinstein: Even though you're not actually selling stock yet, I want you to remember the code we have here, okay? Did you see Glengarry Glen Ross?
    - Seth Davis: Yeah.
    - Greg Weinstein: Okay, do you remember 'ABC'?
    - Seth Davis: Yeah. 'Always be closing'.
    - Greg Weinstein: That's right. 'Always be closing'. 'Telling's not selling'. That's...” (continue)
    (continue reading)
    Giovanni Ribisi - Greg Weinstein
    Giovanni Ribisi - Seth Davis
  • “I read this article a while back that said that Microsoft employs more millionaire secretaries than any other company in the world. They took stock options over Christmas bonuses. It was a good move. I remember there was this photograph of one of the groundskeepers next to his Ferrrari.”
    Giovanni Ribisi - Seth Davis
  • “Looking back the casino was the most legitimate business I had running, I looked my customers in the eye and I provided a service they wanted, now I don't even look my customers in the eye and I push them something they never asked for.”Giovanni Ribisi - Seth Davis
  • “- Greg Weinstein: There's two rules you have to remember as a trainee, number one: we don't pitch the bitch here.
    - Seth Davis: What?
    - Greg Weinstein: We don't sell stock to women.”

    - Greg Weinstein
    Giovanni Ribisi - Seth Davis
  • “I had a very strong work ethic. The problem was my ethics in work.”
    Giovanni Ribisi - Seth Davis
  • “- Seth Davis: FCC regulations state that maximum rip allowed is five percent allowed and we're making four times that.
    - Chris Varick: You just passed your Series Seven and now you're an inspector? Aren't you happy with the way things are going?
    - Seth Davis: Yeah I am, I'm just curious, you're not curious?
    - Chris Varick: Not at all, I like...” (continue)
    (continue reading)
    Giovanni Ribisi - Seth Davis
    Vin Diesel - Chris Varick