Can You Delete Pkg Files After Installing

  1. Can You Delete Pkg Files After Installing On Mac
  2. Can You Delete Pkg Files After Installing Mac
  3. How To Open .pkg Files

YUM (Yellowdog Updater, Modified) provide more services and functionality than is available with the rpm command and other RPM-based tools.
With Yum tools and plug-ins, you can:

Thanks for the quick response. Just to be clear I can delete the library/update PKG and DIST extensions and whatever directory it sits in under UPDATES. To be on the safe side DO NOT DELETE the RECEIPT PKG files correct. And thanks a lot in advance. Yes it can have bad side effects, maybe not very often but for example you can have in package.json 'moduleX': '^1.0.0' and you used to have 'moduleX': '1.0.0' in package-lock.json. By deleting package-lock.json and running npm install you could be updating to version 1.0.999 of moduleX without knowing about it and maybe they have created a bug or done a backwards breaking change (not.

Can You Delete Pkg Files After Installing
  • List software packages, both installed and available, in local or remote repositories
  • Check for package dependencies (packages required to install a package)
  • Create new repositories and enable or disable access to existing repositories
  • Speed up package installation by using cached information (Yum cache)
  • Extend Yum’s functionality with plug-ins such as the downloadonly plug-in (to download a package without installing it)

Installing packages

Following example usages shows the most commonly used options for performing package installation with yum :

Command optionsDescription
installInstall a package making sure that all the dependencies are resolved.
install /path/to/fileInstall the package which provides the given file, making sure that all dependencies are resolved
localinstallInstall a package from a local le, http, or ftp
reinstallReinstall the current version of a package
groupinstallInstall all packages in the selected group

Examples :
1. Install the vsftpd package from the repository in the system :

2. Install a package from local directory :

You can also install a package from a local ftp site :

3. Reinstall the current version of a package nfs-utils (to replace any deleted files) :

4. Install all packages in the group “Web server” :

Removing packages

Options available with yum command to remove packages :

Command optionsDescription
removeremove a package as well as packages that depend on it
swapRemove one package and install another
eraseErase a package (and possibly dependencies) from your system. Same as remove.
autoremoveSame as erase, plus removes additional unneeded packages (available in RHEL 7)

Examples :
1. Removing package vsftpd and all its dependencies from the system :

Similar to remove you can also use erase option.

2. To remove one package and install another using single command use the swap option :

3. Another option introduced in RHEL 7 i.e. autoremove can be used to remove a package along with additional unneeded packages :

Upgrading/Downgrading packages

Can You Delete Pkg Files After Installing On Mac

Command optionsDescription
updateupdate all or a specific package if specified as well as updates any dependent packages.
update-toupdate all or a specific package to a particular version specified
upgradeupdate packages taking obsoletes into account
downgradedowngrade a package to an earlier version

Examples :
1. To update all the packages available on the system :

Can You Delete Pkg Files After Installing Mac

2. To update a specific package like httpd :

3. To downgrade a package to an earlier version :

Non-interactive use of yum

How To Open .pkg Files

The -y option when used with any yum command assumes the answer to any question as yes and provides a non-interactive use of the yum command. It can be coupled with any of the commands we have seen so far in the post. One of the examples where it’s very much useful is :