How To Fix Case Sensitive Problem For Mac


'Case-sensitive Journaled HFS' (hard drive IS case-sensitive), or 'Journaled HFS' (hard drive is NOT case-sensitive) For advanced users familiar with Unix and Terminal, you may be able to get your case-sensitive system to work by using symbolic links.

I am requesting that someone from Adobe take the time to post a list of step-by-step solutions to the problem of having a case-sensitive format so that others in my position don't waste about 5 hours erasing drives, reformatting drives, and reading piecemeal posts like I did. This is a common problem. Whatever afactor is, it looks like Bm is probably a variable, not a function (although that's not completely definitive, the syntax is possible for either; it depends on the actual context/intent of the author and we don't have sufficient information to tell).

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I was working on DasBlog Core (an .NET Core cross-platform update of the ASP.NET WebForms-based blogging software that runs this blog) with Mark Downie, the new project manager, and Shayne Boyer. This is part of a larger cloud re-architecture of and the systems that run this whole site.

Mac os case sensitive

Shayne was working on getting a DasBlog Core CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Development) running in Azure DevOps' build system. We wanted individual build pipelines to confirm that DasBlog Core was in fact, cross-platform, so we needed to build, test, and run it on Windows, Linux, and Mac.

The build was working great on Windows and Mac...but failing on Linux. Why?


Well, like all things, it's complex.

  • Windows has a case-insensitive file system.
  • By default, Mac uses a case-insensitive file system.

Since Git 1.5ish there's been a setting

but you should always be aware of what a setting does before you just set it.

If you're not careful, you or someone on your team can create a case sensitive file path in your git index while you're using a case insensitive operating system like Windows or Mac. If you do this, you'll be able to end up with two separate entries from git's perspective. However Windows will silently merge them and see just one.

Mac Os Extended Case Sensitive

Here's our themes folder structure as seen on

But when we clone it on Mac or Windows, we see just one folder.

Turns out that six months ago one of us introduced another folder with the name dasblog while the original was DasBlog. When we checked them on Mac or Windows the files ended up in merged into one folder, but on Linux they were/are two, so the build fails.

You can fix this in a few ways. You can rename the file in a case-sensitive way and commit the change:

Please take care and back up anything you don't understand.

If you're renaming a directory, you'll do a two stage rename with a temp name.

Be safe out there!

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About Scott

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

Mac case sensitive file system

Mac Case Sensitive File System

Mac Os Case Sensitive
